What is Green Stuff Absorbent?
With its extreme light weight and extraordinary holding power, Green Stuff® Absorbent offers a new level of efficiency and cost effectiveness for the quick cleanup of spills and leaks and for the removal of processing waste. Compatible with virtually any chemical, Green Stuff® Absorbent's phenolic foam granules provide far greater absorption capacity than clay vermiculite and other granular materials. This is a light material that sticks to the product and absorbs up to 15 times its weight. Independent testing also proves it offers the fastest absorbency for pick up of gasoline, diesel fuel and motor oil spills when compared to competitive granular products. Green Stuff® has proven to be a multi-purpose product that is particularly well suited to household, garden and automotive spills. Nontoxic and non-biodegradable, it passes tests for hazardous waste disposal at approved landfills and for approved incineration operations.
+ What is GREEN STUFF® Absorbent made from?
The material is a thermal-set plastic made from a phenolic resin compound with an open cell matrix. GREEN STUFF® is not mineral based.
+ Is the Product Hydrophobic or Hydrophilic?
GREEN STUFF® Absorbent products are hydrophilic. This means GREEN STUFF® will absorb water-based liquids and hydrocarbon-based liquids.
+ Is GREEN STUFF® an absorbent or an adsorbent?
GREEN STUFF® is an absorbent. (As described in EPA’s rule-makings, “adsorbents” are materials that retain liquids on the surface of their particles by capillary action and surface tension. “Absorbents”, mean-while retain liquids within their molecular structure.) A true adsorbent is a material that the absorbed liquid clings to (like clay type kitty litter.) GREEN STUFF® Absorbent has an open cell structure that encapsulates liquid absorbed into it. GREEN STUFF® is similar to a cross between sponge and foam.
+ What type of liquids can GREEN STUFF® absorb?
GREEN STUFF® Absorbent can absorb virtually ANY chemical except cyanide solutions, sodium hypochlorite (>8%), organic peroxides, and concentrated nitric acid (>40%). GREEN STUFF® can absorb any viscosity liquid from thick sludge and paint to light solvents and water. GREEN STUFF® will absorb synthetic motor oil, vegetable oils, turpentine and hydrofluoric acid and is also particularly effective in absorbing body fluids.
+ How much liquid will GREEN STUFF® absorb?
GREEN STUFF® Absorbent products will typically absorb between 18-32 times more liquid than clay based kitty litter depending on the viscosity and weight of the liquid. A good rule to follow is 1.25 pounds of GREEN STUFF® to 1 gallon of liquid. A clay-type product (like kitty litter) takes an average of 35 pounds to absorb 1 gallon of liquid.
+ How fast does GREEN STUFF® Absorbent absorb liquid?
Independent tests have shown GREEN STUFF® Absorbent to be the fastest absorbent on the market. Tests were conducted on a variety of liquids and viscosities including gasoline, diesel fuel, oil, paint and water finding GREEN STUFF® to be on average 5 times faster.
+ Why is fast absorbency important?
The most important reason is SAFETY. The quicker a spill can be contained and absorbed, the less chance of physical harm or environmental contamination, and cleanup costs are minimized. Fast absorption also reduces vapors and minimizes harmful chemical effects.
+ Why is GREEN STUFF® Absorbent’s light weight beneficial?
GREEN STUFF® Absorbent’s light weight makes it easy to handle, easy to apply, easy to clean up and easy to dispose of. This also makes for less waste generated which reduces overall cleanup costs. Ten pounds of GREEN STUFF® does the equivalent work of about 350 pounds of clay-type products.
+ Because GREEN STUFF® Absorbent is so light weight, won’t I have problems using it in windy conditions?
Most highly absorbent products that are lighter will have some dusting, including GREEN STUFF® Absorbent. GREEN STUFF® overcomes this by being light and extremely fast in absorbency which allows the user to pour much closer to the spill. GREEN STUFF® then becomes heavy and will not blow away. Heavier absorbents like clay based products have 20-25% fine particles that include silica dust, a known carcinogen.
+ Can GREEN STUFF® Absorbent be land filled?
Yes. GREEN STUFF® Absorbent passes all EPA tests for both non-hazardous and hazardous landfills. GREEN STUFF® is non-biodegradable and will not leach out any hazardous chemicals into a landfill.
+ Can GREEN STUFF® Absorbent be incinerated?
Yes. GREEN STUFF® Absorbent can be incinerated and, with post incineration ash content of less than 1%, there is virtually nothing to send to a landfill.
+ Can GREEN STUFF® Absorbent be fuel-blended?
Yes. GREEN STUFF® will allow fuel blending as it will not clog filters and contains about 13,000 BTUs per pound.
+ What are the benefits of fuel blending over other types of disposal?
Fuel blending is a waste-to-energy recycling program that has no long-term liability, as with other forms of waste disposal. Fuel blending costs are lower than other forms of disposal and with GREEN STUFF® Absorbent’s high BTU content, waste turns from a liability into a power generator.
+ How can I avoid workers using too much GREEN STUFF® Absorbent when they only need a small amount?
GREEN STUFF® Absorbent is much lighter than clay based absorbents which will allow workers to get closer to the spill and pour directly on to it. Users will quickly learn that “a little goes a long way.” One and a quarter pounds of GREEN STUFF® will absorb an average gallon of liquid.
+ Is it harmful to breathe GREEN STUFF® Absorbent?
While any material with dust can be an irritant, GREEN STUFF® Absorbent does not contain toxic silica dust (as do clay and sand products). Silica dust exposure can cause “silicosis,” a disabling and sometimes fatal disease. Use a mask if not in a well ventilated area.
+ Does GREEN STUFF® Absorbent suppress vapors?
GREEN STUFF® Absorbent significantly suppresses vapors because it encapsulates most of the spill; however, it is not recommended solely for use as a vapor suppressant. GREEN STUFF® Absorbent will significantly reduce the smell of jet fuel and biodiesel.
+ Does GREEN STUFF® Absorbent have a shelf life? What if I open the bag but don’t immediately use the rest?
Nothing. GREEN STUFF® Absorbent does not have a “shelf life” and absorbs virtually no moisture from the air. This makes it ideal for equipment lockers, remote safety caches, and any storage that is in place for short or long term spill response.
+ Will it hurt my skin if I get it on me?
No, GREEN STUFF® Absorbent alone has no irritating effect on the skin. Protective gloves should always be worn when using any absorbent with hazardous materials.
+ Will GREEN STUFF® Absorbent work on biofuels?
Yes, GREEN STUFF® Absorbent is fully functional on all biofuels including all ranges of biodiesel.